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Introduction to Business Studies

GCSE / BTEC Equivalent 

General Course Information

Introduction to Business is an opportunity for you to engage in discussion about the world around you.

The BTEC Level 1 Introductory Certificate and Diploma in Business has elements of practical skills and tasks that encourage you to demonstrate what you can do. You will develop both Transferable and Sector skills, the attributes and behaviours needed for progression into further study and employment, and the skills needed to become responsible citizens who make positive contributions in society.

Students explore practical and written elements from a Business perspective, and engage with educational visits and mentor workshops in order to develop cross-curricular components linked to core and other subjects.


Assessment and Feedback

To gain a BTEC Level 1 Introductory Certificate in Business, there are a number of interim assessments carried out throughout the course to ensure that all students are on track with their coursework.

Assessments are on the following:

  • Explore and review techniques to improve own organisational skills
  • Explore skills and behaviours needed to meet personal progression goal
  • Research and produce a report on a business in your area
  • Create and present a brand logo and strapline for a market and audience
  • Plan and create a visual display for a product to targeted audience

Each completed unit coursework is assessed to a (P)Pass, (M)Merit or (D)Distinction level totalling five units (two core and three sector) by the Business teacher. Once completed, portfolios are sent off for external moderation.


How Parents and Carers can Help

  • Check with students on progress of coursework.
  • Support in attending business catch-up lessons.
  • Check that work sent home is completed and returned to school.
  • All lessons are attended



Charmaine Francis:

BTEC, Vocational Co-ordinator


Links to Online Resources